SIS Blog

Breathing New Life into Legacy Systems: Solutions for Extended Longevity

by | Sep 24, 2024

When you’re working within the limits of a government budget, you know you have to be resourceful, smart, and creative to get things done.  

So when you look at your legacy systems–from your decades-old fire alarms to those access control systems from the 1990s–you know you have to get the most life out of them as possible. And ripping them up just to replace them with something new, when they still serve you perfectly well, feels fiscally irresponsible.  

At the same time, you have a growing problem: all of those legacy systems are speaking analog in a world gone digital. So how do you connect the technology of yesterday to the world of tomorrow, while still providing the highest possible level of security for your people, facilities, and systems?  

There is a way, and it is easy, elegant, and cost-effective. The answer is integration. 

an image of a graphic hexagons coming out of a tablet

What is integration?

Integration is a way to bring all of your systems–old, new, and yet to be invented–into a streamlined alarm monitoring platform.  

Right now, you might be monitoring many different screens and systems, a patchwork of solutions cobbled together over the years. That means you’re likely monitoring a fire alarm system from the 90s, a perimeter control system from the turn of the century, a temperature sensor from 1983, and the most cutting edge video surveillance technology from this year.  

Added to that, you might be eyeing what’s possible next: AI-enhanced security solutions, the latest motion detection or facial recognition technologies, and systems that haven’t even been invented yet but will transform your operations in just a few years.  

And the question you’re naturally asking is: how do I connect all this to all that?  

That’s where integration comes in. A robust and flexible alarm monitoring platform can help you pull in thousands of different systems, signals, and sensors so you can have an overview of your entire security infrastructure from a single dashboard. Integration creates a streamlined digital space where that old-fashioned fire alarm system and that cutting-edge video monitoring system can coexist in perfect harmony. Not only that, they can work seamlessly together to provide a total and unified view of your security in real-time.  

integration of physical life safety

How can integration help you get more life out of your existing systems?

At SIS, we believe that if something already serves you well, you shouldn’t have to rip it up, replace it, or reinvent it. It’s wiser, from an operations and a budget perspective, to allow it to keep working for you for as long as possible. 

Oftentimes the only real problem with legacy systems is that they don’t connect neatly to a modern, digital alarm monitoring infrastructure. In essence, they’re speaking “analog” while the latest technologies only understand “digital.”  

We don’t think that so-called “language barrier” should get in the way of your security–and so at SIS, we’ve been using our vast library of integrations to bring absolutely every kind of signal, from any decade, into our streamlined alarm monitoring dashboard.  

Not a single signal has stumped us yet–try us. Whether it’s from 1989 or 2009, whether it’s an obscure switch or long-discontinued sensor, we can integrate it into your modern alarm monitoring infrastructure with minimal interruption to your operations.  

We believe that integration is the wiser, fiscally responsible choice for government security and alarm monitoring operations: one that helps you get the most out of your existing systems–while having the least impact on your budget.  

the SIS logo

How can SIS help you integrate and streamline your alarm monitoring operations?

At SIS, we have worked with the world’s leading organizations and preeminent government agencies to help secure their people, infrastructure, and operations. We know what it takes to implement pragmatic, time-tested, and proven solutions in the world’s most demanding security environments. And we’re ready to help you do the same.  

We have secured approval to operate on Department of Defense networks worldwide, which means we have been vetted and tested to operate in the most sensitive security environments on Earth. We’ve also earned certifications from industry watchdogs like UL and ULC, and count leading intelligence and defense agencies among our decades-old clientele.  

Whatever your integration challenge, we can help you meet it. Our mission is to equip you with alarm monitoring solutions that use unified, real-time security insights to improve your operations, fortify your defenses, and accelerate your response to security incidents.  

Most importantly, we work with the systems and processes you already trust and use, integrating them for a more powerful, streamlined, and unified operation. This helps you get the most out of what you already have today and prepare you for whatever may come tomorrow.  

Ready to see how SIS can help you excel in today’s demanding security landscape? Contact us to see what’s possible! 

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